The best way to predict the future is to create it.” ~Abraham Lincoln.


To best support your needs we now offer many of our consultations as telehealth services. We have already resumed limited in-person visits.

In addition to supporting our patients who have a wide range of chronic illnesses, our focus is on health optimization. Now it is more important than ever to take control of your health. As the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted, there are a number of modifiable factors that put people at an increased risk of getting a severe form of the illness. Our goal is to help people personalize their goals and the approaches towards achieving them. During this pandemic there is an opportunity to redefine a path towards a healthy and limitless future.

In our practice we have taken a deep dive into the fast changing information, have been analyzing voluminous research, and have incorporated best practices interventions into our approach to help patients affected by COVID-19. There is no known cure for COVID-19 at this time, but it is known that dietary, nutritional and lifestyle interventions are safe and inexpensive in helping improve our immune resilience. We are here to help you to sort out facts from myths and to find an approach that will be most beneficial for you, whether you are working on your health optimization, have questions about your symptoms, would like clarity on testing, looking for additional clarification of the current guidelines as they apply to you or are seeking a second opinion.